VA – Dustin E presents ...Cornflake Zoo - Episode 22 ('Ode To Thee')
Genre: Rock, Pop
Style: Pop Rock, Beat, Garage Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Rhythm & Blues
Year: 2020
vor 41 Minuten
11 Kommentare:
Doc du weisst was das Volk braucht!
Vilen Dank again!
I wish I could write in German, just to thank you better!
Do you happen to have this recording in lossless? This sis probably my favourite show of all time!
Hi Arthur, sorry for the delay in my response, but it took me so lomg to retrieve the original wav files (I have too much stuff). And bad news: there are altogether 7 files incl. a big one of more than 200MB even in flac format (let alone wav). Now, zippyshare allows a maximum file size of just 200 MB, so I see no way for uploading. I hope you don't fret about that too much.
No problems (though it is weird my email still has the previous pseudonym), your reply was very swift, and I too am a collector, so I understand the pains in finding something specific amidst the large amount of material one has.
In terms of the actual news, I am fretting, yes, because I am strange like that - perhaps I am one of those very boring flac purists, but I never forget music comes first - furthermore, I have been looking for a real glimpse of the complete Croydon "Facelift" since I first discovered it back in 2010, hoping to restore it to the concert present in "Noisette" somehow, which I still would like to do.
I respect if you decide not to pursue this further, am I am really very thankful to allowing me to listen to this material at all, but I looked for other possibilities to share the lossless Croydon somehow: it seems filefactory might be a useful alternative for sharing larger files since it allows the upload of 5GB even for normal users with an account, for example. Again, this is no demand, only a suggestion since I thought that, by requesting something in the first place, I could at least find a Plan B.
P.S.: Ich lerne Deutsche übrigens, aber noch sehr primitiv und falsch.
Before I lose myself in gossipping (I'm a great master in that), here now the real thing (I hope I don't build your dreams too high): as it is with many sound freaks, I though that there must be an easy solution for the problem and I think i found one. I won't molest you with the details (I'm simply too lazy today), but here are now the zippy links to the Croydon tracks in WAV (track 4 - now "split" in a, b, c, - is the long one I told you about). By the way, the recording is taken (by a Revox tape machine) from a first generation copy (reel to reel) of the original master tape, which I acquired in 1972 (the copy, not the master)............. How time flies!.......................
If there, contrary to expectations, should be any problem with the files, do not hesitate to complain!
Wow, thank you very much indeed! The files are perfect and you've just made my month!
If you need anything from Pink Floyd (1967-1977), Can (1971-1974), Soft Machine (Amougies 1969), The Fall (1979-1986), Genesis (1971-1982), Jethro Tull (1969-1975), Guided By Voices, Black Sabbath (Asbury Park 1975), This Heat (1979-1981), Tangerine Dream (1972-1977), etc., just send me a message, odds are I can help you with it.
Can you please re-upload the links to the WAV files? I'm a huge Soft Machine fan and I would love to finally get to hear this!
Here are new links to the wav files (9 parts):
Thanks so much! This has made my year!
Sehr schick!
Ich hatte dieses Konzert bislang nur als 128bit mp3! - Das bringt mehr Hörvergnügen
Thanks for this. Judging from the size of the DL I take it that this is a very low bit-rate file? Regardless, as Soft Machine is one of my favorite
groups I look forward to listening to it. Many thanks!!
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